Late Summer Memberships Now Available

Broadmead Swim Club is fully subscribed for the regular season, but Late Summer Memberships (August 1-Labor Day) are available now! If you wanted to join but we were already at our membership cap for the season, recently decided to join a swim club, or have friends or family who have been wanting to join, here’s your chance to get on board (or off board, if you like to dive).

Late Summer Memberships are available to Princeton University affiliates (faculty, staff, post-docs, etc.) AND to the general public. You don’t have to live or work in Princeton to join!

Join today! As soon as we receive your payment, you are welcome to come swim. Note that if you purchase online, we do charge a nominal “digital wallet convenience fee” to cover the cost of the credit card processing. If you prefer to avoid this, you may mail a check to Broadmead Swim Club, 184 Broadmead Street, Princeton, 08540… or drop it off when you come to swim! (Look for a black metal mailbox attached to the Club’s fence, right by the main entry gate.)